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Hi Everyone, If you subscribe to my blog I consider you my loyal followers who might be interested to know about this. I get a lot of people asking about how they can support my creations, so I started what is called a Patreon account (well I didn't because I had never heard of it, so my brother and sister-in-law made it for me). But you can actually become a White Sparrow Living patron at I wanted to make sure you also get some perky prizes for joining so each package has different benefits associated with them - one of which is having complete access to all of my decal designs - so if you have a cutting machine you can download any file you've seen me make on my YouTube channel as part of your membership. Plus, there are discounts for my Etsy shop, excusive giveaways, monthly perky prizes, and I am working on weekly inspirational texts & scriptures that I can send you.  I'm really excited about this and depending on how much interest we get, I have some bigger plans in the future to help those in need. So, stayed tuned for that!!

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